by Brian
We only had 2.5 days to spend in New York. Our quick trip consisted largely trying to see a few of the sites while running errands and seeing old friends and relatives. We were very lucky to have a generous and cordial host for our first
couch surfing experience. Lenny had a comfortable (though squeaky) airmattress set up for us and ready to crash into once we arrived at his Brooklyn apartment. We really liked his neighborhood and quickly found a nearby cafe where we ate breakfast both mornings.
A friend of Annie´s- Brian- showed us around a little and took us out to eat at a great Thai restaurant then out for frozen yogurt. Evidently, no matter what the temperature in New York, people enjoy cold deserts.
We bundled up everyday and night as the temp. hovered around 0 degrees Celsius for the duration of our stay.

A few of the highlights were an afternoon walk through Central Park wherein Annie couldn´t resist a ride on the carousel
Later we had really great Indian take out with Annie´s cousin Anna, and her husband David who lived on the east side of Manhattan. They were kind enough to give us a subway map that showed the quickest way to the airport for our flight out the next day.
Before flying out we were able to get down to ground zero and the waterfront before meeting up with Annie´s high school friend Katie and her partner Eleanor for lunch near NYU. I suppose the wait staff had heard about Annie and Katie´s raucous friendship because they stuck us in our own little room right next to the kitchen so the cooks could keep an eye on us.
We had lots of fun in New York and especially in artsy Brooklyn.

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