We've been living and working on this finca for a month now, and it's given us the chance to grow accustomed to the ways of living off the grid. We know to check the little green lights that indicate electricity levels before using certain appliances (luckily, it's pretty sunny here, so most of the time there is a power surplus). We've also gotten used to the compost toilet, with it's one section for the 'ol number one, and a big hole for the 'ol number two. The urine feeds the trees, and the poo turns to compost. Heating water for the shower requires three buttons to be pushed in just the right order and no other water or gas appliances can be used at the same time. We wash our clothes by hand and dry them in the sun. And our bed and bathroom are lit by candles and LED light sticks. It all works quite well, once you get used to it.
And now that we're used to it, it's time to move on. We learned a lot during our time here and will be able to use these skills again. We eagerly await the next stage of our journey. First, we return to Madrid for two days, then on to Granada for three and finally to a farm-stay in las Alpujarras.
A view of the surrounding area
The local resevoir- we weren't daring enough to go for a swim.
Joining Tom for dinner at his new house-sitting gig
I wanna see a picture of the Peace Wall!
ReplyDeletecoming soon...